Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Lirik Lagu Heya Di ~ Tamer Hosny

YAaH..Ya LeiL Ya LeiL...
AktaR 7aGa Ba7ebAha Feky Hwa Dah..hwa Dah 2aLbk
W aKtaR 7aGa ShaDetNy Leky Heya De..Aywa De teBet 2aLbk

W w Aktr 7aGa BetMawetNy W twaDeny KeDa W tgebNy
LaMa eDaya BteGy 3aLeky w 3eNeky F 3eNaya

W agMaL 7aGa W a7la MafeKy ShafayFek HaMsk KoL MaFeky
3aLeky MasHya ALLAH YekhaLeky BerRa7a 3aLaya

Yah 3aLa eL AyYam LaMa eL AyYaM teD7ak Lelwa7eD maRa wa7da
W ah Ya SaLaM Ya SaLaM 3aLeky KaLaM aNa 3oMry Ma2oLto L ay Wa7da

YaAaAah..Ya LeiL..Ya LeEeEeiiiL..

Ana 3aReF eN eL MaLayKa Ya 7aBebty MabtetShfsH w Ezay Ana ShayFk
W a7La Ma f7oby Leky eNo eta7'eD 2aFsh 3aShaN keDa aNa Mab7'Fsh
Ma32oLa aNa ShayFk...

Y maLam y maLam..
Yg paling Q suKa paDamu adaLah ini,hatimu iNi..&yg paling mMbuatQ teRtaRik paDamu adaLah kebAikan hatimu..
&yg paLiNg meMbunuhQ&MeNjadikaNmu begiNi&meNjawaB q adaLah saAt taNganQ meNyentUhmu&meNatap tepat dimataQ..
Yg paLiNg iNdah&paLiNg maNis adaLah bi2rmu,bisikaNmu,&sMua yg aDa paDamu.Gaya beRjaLaNmu oh t0l0ng jaNgaN kaU siksa Q..
Oh haRi2 ketika saNg haRi SeSekaLi TerSeNyuM baGi SeSe0raNg..aH YaSaLaM YaSaLaM Kata2 yG iNdaH!
Q taK PeRnaH beRkata sePeRti itU kePada seOraNg gaDisPun..
Y LeiL..y LeiL..y LeiL..
Q taU baHwa BiDaDaRi tiDak DaPat diLiHat,taPi MeNgaPa Q biSa MeLiHatmu..
&yG PaLiNg MaNis daLam ciNtaQ paDamu adaLah baHwa Q terPeNjaRa oLehnya,taPi Q tiDak taKut KaReNa ituLah Q BiSa MeLiHatmu...

Lirik Lagu Ba3esh ~ Tamer Hosny

(*) Ba3eeSh..
3aLa ZekRa Kat MabenNa Mn SeneEn
We BaNady Be 23La SoOn Lia Enta FeeN
HabeeBy Erg3 Ana BaNadeEk

(¤) We BakhaAf
Yet3zeb Alby AktaR Mn Keda
Wa3eEsh 3oMry ElLy G@y Bl ShakL Da
HabeEby Erg3 Ana BaNadEek

(€) BetgheEb Wenta ElLy 3aLa BaaLy
Wen KoNt MesH GhaaLy
Yeb2a MafeeSh GhaLyeEn

(¥) WetseEb Ya HaBeEby GoaYa
Ashwa2y We Hoaya
Wetroo7 Le Nas TaNyeEn

KeMbaLi Ke: (€) (¥)

($) We Da MeeN
Y3wad Alby 3n L7zet Lo2aaK
We Eih Ma3na El 7ayaa Lao Mesh M3ak
We LeeH 2oLy Ana HoNt 3aLeeeK

(£) AyaAaAaAam...
HaBeeby LayoMkn AwsFha BeKaLam
Ayam Ma3rFshy LeeH Fatet AwaAm
YareEt Ana AnSa Wa3eEsH Ba3dEek

KeMbaLi: (€) (¥) (€) (¥)


KeMbaLi ke: (€) (¥) (€) (¥)

Q hdp dlm kenangan Qta yg tlh Qta jLni brSma brtahun2&Q meMangGil dgn suaRa yg trkeRas yg Qmiliki "dimNkah EngKau".CntaQ kmblilah pdQ,Q MmngGilmu,&Q tkt hatiQ akan lbh sakit dr skrg,&Q akan mNjLni hr2Q sPti ni.CntaQ kmblilah pdQ,Q mMngGilmu..U pRgi tlh lama tp hny Engkau yg aDa dlm pkrnQ,&Jika U tak brti lg bgQ,Maka tak kan ada seOrg pun yg brti bgQ(selainmu),& cntaQ U hdp dlm diRiQ(maka bgmNa mgkn)rindu&cntaQ akan brPindah kpd org lain,&siapa yg bs mNgGantikan m0ment ktka hatiQ brtemu dgnmu,&apalah artinya hdp jika U tak brSmaQ&mNgapa..katakan kpdQ kau gmpg skLi menyerah,hr2 Q tak dpt meNgGambarkannya dgn kata2 cntaQ,hr2 Q tak tau mNgapa brlalu bgtU cepat,Q sunGguh brharap Q dpt hdp&meLupakanmu..

Lirik Lagu Soutek ~ Tamer Hosny

Aywa meN
Nesety s0ty waLa aiH
La2a baS..
KoL MafakR aN eL y0m da ye3dy 3aLena we a7na meSh ma3a ba3d bam0ot
Wa7shteny awy
a7na m0mken neKon sebna ba3d baS aNa 7ases aN a7na haNerga3
sa7?tab aNty fadya yeNfa3 akLemk bA3den?
s0tek met3'ayer keDa Leh fe 7ad gamBk waLa aiH 7'aLas
7'asLas fehmt we ha2fe baS 2abL ma2feL saLmely 3aLeh
We 2olelo ya7' od balo meNk zay ma koNt ana bA7' af 3aleky
We ye7aweL 3aLa ad may2deR ye7meky we ye7afez 3aleky
Mategby b0sa ba2a ammmwh
anta eNsan mabetfkrsh 3'er fe nafsk we 7'aLas
Mated7kesh 3aLa nafsk aNty eLy 3awza teksby koL 7aga
We mat7'sresh waLa 7aga
Leh 3amlty keDa akeD ma32oL 7ad 7aBek keDa mah0
koL Zanbo aNo eDaky koL ma3ndo we 7'alaky
a3'aLa ma 3ando we fe eL a7' er teb2a nehayt0 keDaa
far7ana be eLy gaMbk tab3aN mah0 zaynk we shaBhek fe3LaN
Bokra hay3meL ma3mLty keDa
We 2oleLo ya7' od baLo meNk zay ma k0nt aNa ba7' af 3aLeky
We ye7aweL 3aLa aD may2deR ye7meky we ye7afez 3aLeky
ya saLam
aNa 2oltelK mesh hatenzLy
walahy ma anty naZaLa
We ba3den aiH eLy aNty k0nty LabsaH eMbAre7 da ya beNty aNty 3'awya naKaD
Ma2oltelK ma3rFhash
walahy eL 3asem ma a3rfha
Mesh adEr 2a2feL we aNty 3aLa eL 7'at
WaLa aNa kaMaN
Tab ne2feL ma3a bA3d
bA2oLk aiH
We 2olelo ya7'od bAlo meNk zay ma k0nt aNa ba7' af 3aleky
We ye7aweL 3aLa aD may2deR ye7meky we ye7afez 3aLeky

Lirik Lagu Meshtaga Leek ~ Nancy Ajram

Meshta2a Leek
I miss you

Meshtaga Leek Shoog El Hoa Le Roo7y
I miss you, my sprit of my soul is longing for u
We7yat 3eneek Dabet Ana Roo7y
Swear by your eyes, that my soul melted
Mn Zaman Meshtaga Ana Ashoofak
From a long time I miss to you u
Ya Zaman Erj3ly Bwsoofak
Oh the past, come back to the descripition of you
Meshtaga Leek Shoog El Hoa Le Roo7y
I miss you, my sprit of my soul is longing for u
We7yat 3eneek Dabet Ana Roo7y
Swear by your eyes, that my soul melted
Mn Zaman Meshtaga Ana Ashoofak
From a long time I miss to you u
Ya Zaman Erj3ly Bwsoofak
Oh the past, come back to the descripition of you
Wel Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
The reason is ur away from me my love
El Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
the reason is ur away from me my love
7abeeby Bo3dak 7abeeby
my love ur away from me ..my love
Wel Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
The reason is ur away from me my love
Meshtaga Leek Shoog El Hoa Le Roo7y
I miss you, my sprit of my soul is longing for u
We7yat 3eneek Dabet Ana Roo7y
Swear by your eyes, that my soul melted
Wel Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
The reason is ur away from me my love
El Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
the reason is ur away from me my love
7abeeby Bo3dak 7abeeby
my love ur away from me ..my love
Wel Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
The reason is ur away from me my love
Han 3alia Han 3alia
be tender to him, be tender to him
We R2af 3ala 7aaly
and accept me the way I am
Leely Taal Leely Taal
the nights are long, the nights are long
7obak Lahaf 7aaly
Yoiur love wrapped me around
Han 3alia Han 3alia
be tender to him, be tender to him
We R2af 3ala 7aaly
and accept me the way I am
Leely Taal Leely Taal
the nights are long, the nights are long
7obak Lahaf 7aaly
Yoiur love wrapped me around

El 3yoon El Sood
The black eyes,
Walhaana Welhaana
It is open, it is open
Lel Hoaaya Galby
the wind of my heart
3atshaana 3atshaana
Its thursty, its thursty

Wel Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
The reason is ur away from me my love

El Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
the reason is ur away from me my love
7abeeby Bo3dak 7abeeby
my love ur away from me ..my love
Wel Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
The reason is ur away from me my love

Ya Gomar Ya Gomar
oh moon, oh moon
Sahrana Lel Ghaaly
its awake, for the precious one
We Soorteaa Sooretaa
and your picture, your picture
Fe Galby We Baaly
is in my heart and mind
Ya Gomar Ya Gomar
oh moon, oh moon
Sahrana Lel Ghaaly
its awake, for the precious one
We Soorteaa Sooretaa
and your picture, your picture
Fe Galby We Baaly
is in my heart and mind
Mahma Saar Ma Ansa
no matter what happends, I will never forget
Ayaamak Ayaamak
your days, your days
Wantezer Tarj3
And I wish that you come back to me
Gharamak Gharamak
Ur love, Ur love

Wel Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
The reason is ur away from me my love
El Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
the reason is ur away from me my love
7abeeby Bo3dak 7abeeby
my love ur away from me ..my love
Wel Sebab Bo3dak 7abeeby
The reason is ur away from me my love

Lala Lai Lai La La
Lala Lai Lai La La
Lala Lai Lai La La
Da Da Da Da Doooo
Meshtaga Leek Shoog El Hoa Le Roo7y
We7yat 3eneek Dabet Ana Roo7y


Akhedny M3ak Bl Jaw El helou
Taking me with you, wherever you go
Khaleeny M3ak Esr7 Ya helou
Let me just forget myself with you
Akhedny M3ak Bl Jaw El helou
Taking me with you, wherever you go
Khaleeny M3ak Esr7 Ya helou
Let me just forget myself with you

Jamalek Jamal
You beauty is such a beauty
Jamalek Jamal Mesh 3ady
An extraordinary beauty...
We Kalamek Kalam
Your words are such words
Kalamek Kalam Mesh 3ady
Extraordinary words...
Sho Badek Dalal
(Pamper?) as much as you want
3a Sawt El Dalal Ghafeeny
Let me sleep hearing your voice
Sho Badek Gharaam
Ask for love, as much as you want
Blayl El Gharam Haneny
Honor me with a night of love

Khayalak Khayal
You have such a shade (or imagination?)
Khayalak Khayal Mesh 3ady
An extraordinary shade (or imagination?)...
W Jayeny B Zaman
And you find me in such a timing
Jayeeny B Zaman Mesh 3ady
An unbelievable timing...
Btew3edny Be Aman
You promise me to be faithful
Btew3edny Be Aman Tla2eeny
You promise to find me and be faithful...
La2eeny B Makan
Meet me anywhere you want
La Nensa El Zaman W Nghanni
And let's forget the time and sing...

Mashy Ma3y Sa7rny El Hanan
Come with me, I'm taken with the magic of your tenderness
Men Alby Esma3y 3am Yendah Hala
Listen to my heart welcoming you
Mashy Ma3y Sa7rny El Hanan
Come with me, I'm taken with the magic of your tenderness
Men Alby Esma3y 3am Yendah Hala
Listen to my heart welcoming you

Khayalak Khayal
You have such a shade (or imagination?)
Khayalak Khayal Mesh 3ady
An extraordinary shade (or imagination?)...
W Jayeny B Zaman
And you find me in such a timing
Jayeeny B Zaman Mesh 3ady
An unbelievable timing...
Btew3edny Be Aman
You promise me to be faithful
Btew3edny Be Aman Tla2eeny
You promise to find me and be faithful...
La2eeny B Makan
Meet me anywhere you want
Ta Nensa El Zaman W Nghanni
And let's forget the time and sing...

Jamalek Jamal
You beauty is such a beauty
Jamalek Jamal Mesh 3ady
An extraordinary beauty...
We Kalamek Kalam
Your words are such words
Kalamek Kalam Mesh 3ady
Extraordinary words...
Sho Badek Dalal
(Pamper?) as much as you want
3a Sawt El Dalal Ghafeeny
Let me sleep hearing your voice
Sho Badek Gharaam
Ask for love, as much as you want
Blayl El Gharam Haneny
Honor me with a night of love

Khayalak Khayal
You have such a shade (or imagination?)
Khayalak Khayal Mesh 3ady
An extraordinary shade (or imagination?)...
W Jayeny B Zaman
And you find me in such a timing
Jayeeny B Zaman Mesh 3ady
An unbelievable timing...
Btew3edny Be Aman
You promise me to be faithful
Btew3edny Be Aman Tla2eeny
You promise to find me and be faithful...
La2eeny B Makan
Meet me anywhere you want
Ta Nensa El Zaman W Nghanni
And let's forget the time and sing...

Akhedny M3ak Bl Jaw El helou
Taking me with you, wherever you go
Khaleeny M3ak Esr7 Ya helou
Let me just forget myself with you
Akhedny M3ak Bl Jaw El helou
Taking me with you, wherever you go
Khaleeny M3ak Esr7 Ya helou
Let me just forget myself with you

Jamalek Jamal
You beauty is such a beauty
Jamalek Jamal Mesh 3ady
An extraordinary beauty...
We Kalamek Kalam
Your words are such words
Kalamek Kalam Mesh 3ady
Extraordinary words...
Sho Badek Dalal
(Pamper?) as much as you want
3a Sawt El Dalal Ghafeeny
Let me sleep hearing your voice
Sho Badek Gharaam
Ask for love, as much as you want
Blayl El Gharam Haneny
Honor me with a night of love

Khayalak Khayal
You have such a shade (or imagination?)
Khayalak Khayal Mesh 3ady
An extraordinary shade (or imagination?)...
W Jayeny B Zaman
And you find me in such a timing
Jayeeny B Zaman Mesh 3ady
An unbelievable timing...
Btew3edny Be Aman
You promise me to be faithful
Btew3edny Be Aman Tla2eeny
You promise to find me and be faithful...
La2eeny B Makan
Meet me anywhere you want
La Nensa El Zaman W Nghanni
And let's forget the time and sing...

Mashy Ma3y Sa7rny El Hanan
Come with me, I'm taken with the magic of your tenderness
Men Alby Esma3y 3am Yendah Hala
Listen to my heart welcoming you
Mashy Ma3y Sa7rny El Hanan
Come with me, I'm taken with the magic of your tenderness
Men Alby Esma3y 3am Yendah Hala
Listen to my heart welcoming you

Khayalak Khayal
You have such a shade (or imagination?)
Khayalak Khayal Mesh 3ady
An extraordinary shade (or imagination?)...
W Jayeny B Zaman
And you find me in such a timing
Jayeeny B Zaman Mesh 3ady
An unbelievable timing...
Btew3edny Be Aman
You promise me to be faithful
Btew3edny Be Aman Tla2eeny
You promise to find me and be faithful...
La2eeny B Makan
Meet me anywhere you want
Ta Nensa El Zaman W Nghanni
And let's forget the time and sing...

Jamalek Jamal
You beauty is such a beauty
Jamalek Jamal Mesh 3ady
An extraordinary beauty...
We Kalamek Kalam
Your words are such words
Kalamek Kalam Mesh 3ady
Extraordinary words...
Sho Badek Dalal
(Pamper?) as much as you want
3a Sawt El Dalal Ghafeeny
Let me sleep hearing your voice
Sho Badek Gharaam
Ask for love, as much as you want
Blayl El Gharam Haneny
Honor me with a night of love

Khayalak Khayal
You have such a shade (or imagination?)
Khayalak Khayal Mesh 3ady
An extraordinary shade (or imagination?)...
W Jayeny B Zaman
And you find me in such a timing
Jayeeny B Zaman Mesh 3ady
An unbelievable timing...
Btew3edny Be Aman
You promise me to be faithful
Btew3edny Be Aman Tla2eeny
You promise to find me and be faithful...
La2eeny B Makan
Meet me anywhere you want
Ta Nensa El Zaman W Nghanni
And let's forget the time and sing...

Jamalek Jamal
You beauty is such a beauty
Jamalek Jamal Mesh 3ady
An extraordinary beauty...
We Kalamek Kalam
Your words are such words
Kalamek Kalam Mesh 3ady
Extraordinary words...
Sho Badek Dalal
(Pamper?) as much as you want
3a Sawt El Dalal Ghafeeny
Let me sleep hearing your voice
Sho Badek Gharaam
Ask for love, as much as you want
Blayl El Gharam Haneny
Honor me with a night of love


Enti... Ba3dik 7elwi w sorti a7la
You… you’re still as beautiful and even more
Shou hal sodfi ma fi a7la
What a lovely coincidence, the nicest!
W albi yshoufik yama sta7la
My heart has always longed to see you
Oulili kifik enti?
Oh tell me, how are you?

Enta... Ba3dak enta w ma btetghayar
You… you’re still the same and you never change
M7ayarli albi w m7ayar
You’re lost and you get my heart lost with you
W ba3dou albak tefl zghayar
And your heart is still a little child
Tammenni kifak enta?
Oh comfort me and tell me, how are you?

(Marwan & Carole)
Mashi netzakkar 3a droub... w ymarje7na el gharam
Let’s remembers our paths together and let love swing us
Leish b3edna w keef 2derna nensa hak el a7lam?
Why are we apart and how could we forget all those dreams
Ya leil el ba3dou naterna 3a mfare2 hal iyam...
The night is still waiting for us round the corners of our days...

Ya rab tdoum iyamna sawa, w yeb2a 3a toul jame3na el hawa
Oh God, may our days together be eternal and may love keep us as an entity
Ya rab tdoum... Ya rab tdoum
May it last forever… May it last forever

(Marwan & Carole)
Ya rab n3eed hal 7ob elli kan, w a7la bi kteer mnel madi kaman
Oh God, may we return the love we had, and even better than its past
Ya rab n3eed... Ya rab n3eed
May we return... May we return

Bhebbik... Bheb 3younik lamma bte7ki
I love you… And I love how your eyes talk to me
W keef btersom hak el de7ki
And how they draw a lovely smile
Khalli rassik faw2i yetki
Keep your head resting on me
W nemlok hal denyi kella
So we own the whole world...

Bhebbak... Mbare7 enta, lyawm w boukra
I love you... You are my yesterday, my today and my tomorrow
Shta2tellak ma 3endak fekra
I miss you… you cannot imagine how much
W sa3b b3omri tsabbe7 zekra
And I cannot have you as a memory in my life
Yalli mnel denyi aghla
You who are dearest than the whole world

(Marwan & Carole)
Mashi netzakkar 3a droub... w ymarje7na el gharam
Let’s remembers our paths together and let love swing us
Leish b3edna w keef 2derna nensa hak el a7lam?
Why are we apart and how could we forget all those dreams
Ya leil el ba3dou naterna 3a mfare2 hal iyam...
The night is still waiting for us round the corners of our days...

Ya rab tdoum iyamna sawa, w yeb2a 3a toul jame3na el hawa
Oh God, may our days together be eternal and may love keep us as an entity
Ya rab tdoum... Ya rab tdoum
May it last forever… May it last forever
Ya rab n3eed hal 7ob elli kan, w a7la bi kteer mnel madi kaman
Oh God, may we return the love we had, and even better than its past
Ya rab n3eed... Ya rab n3eed
May we return... May we return

بعدك حلوة و صرت أحلى
شو ه الصدفة ما في أحلى
و قلبي يشوفك يا ما استحلى
قوليلي كيفك انت
بعدك انت ما بتتغيير
محير لي قلبي و محير
و بعدو قلبك طفل صغير
طمني كيفك انت

مشي نتذكر عا دروب
و يمرجحنا الغرام
ليش بعدنا كيف قدرنا
ننسى هاك الأحلام
يا ليل البعد و ناطرنا
عا مفارق هالإيام

يا رب تدوم ايامنا سوى
ويبقى عا طول جامعنا الهوى
يا رب تدوم يا رب تدوم

يا رب نعيد هالحب اللي كان
و احلى بتكتير من بالماضي كمان
يا رب نعيد يا رب نعيد

بحب عيونك لما بتحكي
كيف بترسم هاك الضحكة
خلي راسك فوقي يتكي
وإملك هالدنيي كلا
مبلوح انت اليوم و بكرا
اشتقتلك ما عندك فكرة
صعبي بعمري تصبح ذكرا
ياللي من الدنيي أغلى

مشي نتذكر عا دروب
و يمرجحنا الغرام
ليش بعدنا كيف قدرنا
ننسى هاك الأحلام
يا ليل البعد و ناطرنا
عا مفارق هالإيام

يا رب تدوم ايامنا سوى
ويبقى عا طول جامعنا الهوى
يا رب تدوم يا رب تدوم

يا رب نعيد هالحب اللي كان
و احلى بتكتير من بالماضي كمان
يا رب نعيد يا رب نعيد
Ya Tuhan

masih indah dan semakin manis
tak adakah kebetulan yang lebih baik
dan hati hamba merenung
beritahu apa kabarmu
masih seperti dirimu yang tak berubah
bingung, membuat hati semakin bingung
dan hatimu masih seperti bayi
Sampaikanlah apa kabarmu
tidakkah ingat dalam kisah
dan cinta menyapa
mengapa masih seperti ini
melupakan segala mimpi
Duhai , malam menantikan kita
demi meninggalkan hari
Ya Tuhan semoga hari disaat kami bersama
agar cinta kita bersatu untuk selamanya
ya Tuhan kekalkan, ya Tuhan kekalkan
ya Tuhan seandainya aku dapat mengulang masa lalu
dan cinta dapat tumbuh kembali seperti sedia kala
ya Tuhan kembalikan, ya Tuhan kembalikan
Ku cinta padamu
Ku cinta matamu bila kau berbicara
Lihat lah senyumannya yang menarik
Berikanlah tangismu untukku
Dan dunia ini milik kita
Aku cinta padamu
Takkan ku lupakan hari ini dan esok
Ku merindukanmu lebih dari yang kau bayangkan
Bukan sekedar mimpi di dalam hidupku
membuat dunia ku semakin berharga
tidakkah ingat masa lalu
dan cinta menyapa
mengapa masih seperti ini
melupakan segala mimpi
Duhai , malam menantikan kita
demi meninggalkan hari
ya Tuhan kekalkan, ya Tuhan kekalkan
ya Tuhan seandaunya aku dapat mengulang masa lalu
dan cinta dapat tumbuh kembali seperti sedia kala
ya Tuhan kembalikan, ya Tuhan kembalikan

Lirik Lagu Wana Been Ideek (وانا بين ايديك) - Nancy Ajram

وانا بين ايديك
محتاجة ايه؟
فى حاجة اكبر من كده !
ولا عمرى كنت احلم فى يوم
اعيش حياة بالشكل ده

كل اللى فات من عمرى فات
ومش بايدنا نرجعه
خلينا اكتر فى اللى جاى
مبقاش فى وقت نضيعه
وانا مش هضيع عمرى تانى
لو ثوانى هينفعو

انا مش هفكر فى اللى فات
انا عمرى لسه فى اوله
كفاية انى بقيت معاك ومعاك هعيشه واكمله

كل اللى فات من عمرى فات
ومش بايدنا نرجعه
خلينا اكتر فى اللى جاى
مبقاش فى وقت نضيعه
وانا مش هضيع عمرى تانى لو ثوانى هينفعو
Dan Ketika Aku Berada Dipelukmu

Ketika aku berada dipelukmu
apa lagi yang aku butuhkan?!
tidak ada satupun yang aku butuhkan lebih dari itu!
aku pernah bermimpi untuk hidup seperti itu dalam hidupku

segala sesuatu yang telah terjadi dalam hidupku biarlah berlalu
kita tidak mampu untuk membawanya kembali
biarlah sekarang kita menata yang akan datang
tidak ada waktu lagi untuk menyia-nyiakannya!
aku tidak akan menyia-nyiakan hidupku lagi
walaupun sedetik, aku tidak akan menyiakannya

aku tidak akan memikirkan lagi yang telah terjadi
karna hidupku baru akan dimulai...
cukup bagiku tinggal bersamamu,
dan hanya denganmu aku akan habiskan sisa waktuku
kembali reff

Lirik Lagu Enta Menny (You Are Part of Me) ~ YARA

انا سبتك وانت منى ندمانة للنهاردة لو حتى
Ana sebtak w enta meni nedmana el naharda law 7atta
I left you when you were part of me, I regret it today, even if..

غصب عنى مكنش لازم ارضى
Ghasb 3annee makansh lazem ardah
It was out of my hands, I shouldn't have accepted it

انا بطمن عليك وانا من بعيد لبعيد
Ana betamen 3alaik w ana mn b3eed leb3eed
I am making sure you're ok from the distance

بخاف لو رحت ليك القيك حبيت جديد
Bekhaf law ro7t leek ala2eek 7abeit gdeed
And I am afraid that if I went back to you I will find that you have a new lover

مش من حقى العتاب انا سبتك للعذاب
Msh mn 7a2i el3etab ana sebtak lel3azab
It is not my right to disapprove I was the one who left you to suffer

لكن ربى اللى عالم اخلاصى وحبى ليك
Laken rabbee eli 3alam ekhlasi w 7obi leek
But only God knows my sincerity and love for you

اناهابعد عنك وانا وياك قلبى هاتحمل تعبى بعدك الله يعنى
Ana hab3ed 3anak w ana wayak albi hat7amal ta3bee ba3dak Allah ya3ni
I will go and leave my heart with you and I will handle the pain that comes with it

لو صدفة قبلتك صبرنى ياربى لا يبنلك حبى وانتة قريب منى
Law sodfa 2abeltak saberni ya rabbee la yebanlak 7obi w enta 2areeb mnee
If by coincidence I run into you, oh Lord help me to be patient, because my love may show when he is near me

حاولت اناادراى حبك واضحك على روحى
7awala ana adari 7obak w ad7ak 3ala rou7i
I tried to forget your love and fool myself

وانسى صورتك ماغبتش عنى شيلاك فى قلبى لسة
W ensa sourtak maghebtesh 3annee shaylak fe albi lessa
And tried to forget your face, but you have not left me, I still carry you in my heart

الليل عليا طال وانا بسئل نفسى لية بخبى حنينى ليك
Al layl 3alaya taal w ana bas2al nafsi leih bkhabee 7anini leek
The nights have become so long and I ask myself why do I hide my affection for you

ولا بقدر يوم علية يمكن جنيت عليك
Wala be2dar yom 3alih yemken ganeit 3alaik
I can't do without you, maybe I have gone mad for you

بس انتة الله يجزيك خلتنى اعيش عمرى عشان بعيشة ليك
Bas enta Allah yegzeek khalaitni a3eesh 3omri 3ashan b3eesha leek
But you, may God reward you, you allowed me to live my life because I live for you

اناهابعد عنك وانا وياك قلبى هاتحمل تعبى بعدك الله يعنى
Ana hab3ed 3anak w ana wayak albi hat7amal ta3bee ba3dak Allah ya3ni
I will go and leave my heart with you and I will handle the pain that comes with it

لو صدفة قبلتك صبرنى ياربى لا يبنلك حبى وانتة قريب منى
Law sodfa 2abeltak saberni ya rabbee la yebanlak 7obi w enta 2areeb mnee
If by coincidence I run into you, oh Lord help me to be patient, because my love may show when he is near me

Lirik Lagu Habibi Law Za3lan - Mohammed Hammaki

حبيبى لو زعلان من حاجة حبيبى انا من غيرك ولا حاجة
baby if you're upet of something baby i'm nothing without you
habibi law za3lan men haga habibi ana men ghirak wala haga
اد انت ما بتتمنى قول وفى ثناية انا هعديك
tell as much as you wish i'll pass you by in a second
adi enta mabtetmana oli we fi saniya ana ha3adik
.. شايف القمر والشمس دول والله ما خسارة فيك
do you see them?the moon and sun?it's not a waste if i give them to you
shayef el amar we shams dool wallah ma khsar fik
وفوق دا كله انا عمرى كله ليك يا حبيبى ..
added to all of this,all my life is for you
we foo2 da kollu ana 3omri kolu lik ya habibi
لو يوم ماحستش بامان يبقى انا لازمتى ايه .
if you don't feel secure one day,so what's my use?
law yom mahasitsh ba amen yeb2a ana lazmeti eih?
دا انا فى حياتك جيت عشان ابقى اللى نفسك فيه
i came into your life so i can be what you desire
dana fi hayatek git 3ashan ab'a elli nefsi fih
واكتر من اللى بتحلم انت فيه يا حبيبى
and more than what you dream of ,you my baby
waktar melli bte7lam enta fih ya habibi

baby if you're mad anything.baby whitout u i mean nothing. as much as you wish.say,and i will show u
in a matter of a second.
do u see those moon and sun?i swear they are not a loss 4 u.and more than all that my whole life is yours.oh darling.baby if u're mad at abything,baby without u i mean nothing.
if one day u didn't feel safe,
then what's my use?
i came to ur life to be every thing u wish for and even more from what you're dreaming about..oh darling
Syng,jika km sk/gila sesuatu.syng tanpamu q tak brarti apa2.ktakn sebnyk yg km mw&q akan menunjukkn pdmu apa itu dlm skjap.apa km melihat bulan&matahari?q brsumpah mrka tdk akan hilang utkmu.dan lbh dr smua itu seluruh hidup q milikmu.oh kasih.syng jika km sk sesuatu,syng tanpamu q tak brarti.jika suatu hr km merasa tdk aman,lalu apa guna q?q tlah dtg kehidupmu utk jd segala sesuatu yg km inginkn&bhkn lbh dr yg km impikan,oh kasih

Lirik Lagu Bantal dan Tilam

Dengarlah kisah orang yang ditinggalkan jauh...
Hati merana jiwa pun merasa lusuh...
Bantal dan tilam basah karena air mata...
Tak tahan hati karena di mabuk cinta...
Oooo aku terkenang aku terbayang...
Orang yang jauh dimata...
Oh...yang sudah lama tak pernah datang...
Menjelang diri dimabuk rindu...
Antara hati dan jantung kau bertahta...
Bagai mahkota bertaburkan permata...
Oooo kau lupakan...
janji suci... sumpah murni kau ucapkan...
Kini...kau jauh...
jauh sungguh disebrang laut nan biru...
Kunanti walau sampai...
menjelang mati...
Aku rela terima segala...
Oooo hukum adat ditangan anda...
jangan segan segera putuskan...
Akulah korban dari segala derita...
kesal dan sesal slalu bersarang didada...

Lirik Lagu Cuma Kamu ~ Ridho Rhoma

cuma kamu sayangku di dunia ini
cuma kamu cintaku di dunia ini
tanpa kamu hampa ku rasa dunia ini
tanpa kamu sunyi ku rasa dunia ini
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.net
cuma kamu sayangku di dunia ini
cuma kamu cintaku di dunia ini
tiada kalimat dapat melukiskan
betapa sayangku kepada dirimu
tiada ibarat sebagai ungkapan
betapa cintaku kepada dirimu
dapatkah kau rasakan
dari belai tanganku
dapatkah kau rasakan
dari tatap mataku
cuma kamu sayangku di dunia ini
cuma kamu cintaku di dunia ini
tanpa kamu hampa ku rasa dunia ini
tanpa kamu sunyi ku rasa dunia ini
cuma kamu sayangku di dunia ini
cuma kamu cintaku di dunia ini

Lirik Lagu InsyaAllah ~ Maher Zain

ketika kau tak sanggup melangkah
hilang arah dalam kesendirian
tiada mentari bagai malam yang kelam
tiada tempat untuk berlabuh
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.net
bertahan terus berharap
Allah selalu di sisimu
Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah ada jalan
Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah ada jalan
every time you commit one more mistake
you feel you can’t repent and that it’s way too late
you’re so confused wrong decisions you have made
haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
but don’t despair and never lose hope
’cause Allah is always by your side
Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah you’ll find a way
Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah ada jalan
turn to Allah He’s never far away
put your trust in Him, raise your hands and pray
oh Ya Allah tuntun langkahku di jalanmu
hanya engkaulah pelitaku
tuntun aku di jalanmu selamanya
Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah we’ll find our way
Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah we’ll find our way

Lirik Lagu For The Rest Of My Life ~ Maher Zain

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You’ve found your home it’s here with me, and I’m here with you
Now let me let you know
You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you

For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You’re my wife, and my friend and my strength
And I pray we’re together in Jannah
Finally now I’ve found my self, I feel so strong
Yes everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
And now that you’re here, in front of me
I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt, and I’ll sing it loud
And that I will love you eternally
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart

Lirik Lagu Sepanjang Hidup ~ Maher Zain

aku bersyukur kau di sini kasih
di kalbuku mengiringi
dan padamu ingin ku sampaikan
kau cahaya hati
dulu kupalingkan diri dari cinta
hingga kau hadir membasuh segalanya
oh inilah janjiku padamu

sepanjang hidup bersamamu
kesetiaanku tulus untukmu
hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku cintaku
sepanjang hidup seiring waktu
aku bersyukur atas hadirmu
kini dan selamanya aku milikmu

yakini hatiku kau anugerah Sang Maha Rahim
semoga Allah berkahi kita
kekasih penguat jiwaku

berdoa kau dan aku di Jannah
ku temukan kekuatanku di sisimu
kau hadir sempurnakan seluruh hidupku
oh inilah janjiku kepadamu

sepanjang hidup bersamamu
kesetiaanku tulus untukmu
hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku cintaku
sepanjang hidup seiring waktu
aku bersyukur atas hadirmu
kini dan selamanya aku milikmu

yakini hatiku kau anugerah Sang Maha Rahim
semoga Allah berkahi kita
kekasih penguat jiwaku

berdoa kau dan aku di Jannah
ku temukan kekuatanku di sisimu
kau hadir sempurnakan seluruh hidupku
oh inilah janjiku kepadamu

yakini hatiku bersamamu ku sadari inilah cinta
tiada ragu dengarkanlah
kidung cintaku yang abadi

sepanjang hidup bersamamu
kesetiaanku tulus untukmu
hingga akhir waktu kaulah cintaku cintaku
sepanjang hidup seiring waktu
aku bersyukur atas hadirmu
kini dan selamanya aku milikmu

yakini hatiku kau anugerah Sang Maha Rahim
semoga Allah berkahi kita
kekasih penguat jiwaku

berdoa kau dan aku di Jannah
ku temukan kekuatanku di sisimu
kau hadir sempurnakan seluruh hidupku
oh inilah janjiku kepadamu.